Our Value for this half-term is: 



Norton Road Primary School

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Enabling Our Children To Achieve

School Uniform 

Branded school uniform can be purchased directly from JS Sports or unbranded from supermarkets. 

 If you are suffering from financial difficulties, please contact our Family Worker  for further support and guidance.

Uniform is worn at Norton Road to develop a sense of pride in being a member of the Norton Road Primary School community.


Our uniform consists of the following:

Green Jumper/Sweatshirt

White Shirt/Polo Shirt

Grey Trousers/Shorts/Skirt

Green/White Checked Dress

Black Shoes


Our PE kits consists of:

Black Shorts

Plain White T-Shirt

Plimsolls (Indoor PE)

Trainers (Outdoor PE)

Tracksuit or Jogging Bottoms (for Winter)


Pupils should bring their PE kits into school on a Monday morning in a drawstring bag, and taken home for laundering on a Friday. 

 All uniform MUST be clearly marked with your child's name.

No jewellery should be worn in school.  If children have pierced ears, only studs are acceptable in school - these should be removed on the days the children have PE.  If there is a reason on medical or religious grounds that this rule should not apply to your child, please make an appointment to speak with the Headteacher.

PE bags and book bags may be purchased from school.